About Us 
On behalf of the Franklin Park School Parent Teacher Organization, we warmly welcome you to the new school year. We are committed to working with staff and families to ensure that our children continue to have a safe, fun and memorable year at FPS!

 Who we are
The Franklin Park School PTO (FPS PTO) members include parents, staff and teachers. Each school year we have a membership drive which gives you the opportunity to become a member of our organization and receive important information throughout the school year.

What we do
The Franklin Park School PTO (FPS PTO) collaborates with our principal, the FPS administrative team, teachers, and parents to create a school environment that focuses on academic achievement, school spirit and family involvement. We achieve this by sponsoring various family fun events, fundraising, volunteering, and other academic focused activities throughout the school year.

How can you help?

*Become a FPS PTO parent / Classroom liaison 
*Join the 
PTO by visiting our website 
*Encourage other parents to join the FPS PTO
*Volunteer to organize a virtual event or fundraiser
*Support the PTO fundraisers throughout the year
*Attend PTO sponsored events during the school year
*Attend PTO meetings to meet our leadership team and share your feedback/ideas

Executive Board would like to thank you in advance for your participation during this school year. Through volunteer efforts and fundraising, the FPS PTO directly sponsors many programs and activities each year. This year, we ask you to support us so that we can continue to reach for the sky by building upon this sturdy foundation!

For any website issues or PTO ideas/suggestions, send your email to 
Email PTO
Thanks again for your support!
Franklin Park School PTO.