Parent Portal (Genesis)
Back to School Information on Required Forms 2024-2025
This school year your child's schedule and teacher assignments will be issued via your Genesis Parent Access Account. We expect to have that information available by the last week of August 2024. However, there are a few necessary forms which must be completed before you will be able to view your child's schedule or teacher assignment.
Please take a moment to complete the Health Verification Forms and Back to School Form in the Genesis Parent Portal.
The Health Verification Form asks for your child's health information; your child's medical provider and your child's medical insurance.
The Back to School Form includes sections pertaining to:
Emergency Contact Information (you will need to review, update if necessary and submit);
Military Connected Family (you will have to indicate whether or not your child belongs to a military family);
Right to Refuse Recruitment (notice that you may ask that your child's information not be shared with military or college recruiters);
Acceptable Use Consent (allows your child to use our technology devices and network)*;
Remote Learning Camera Information (you will be asked to acknowledge that during remote instruction, your child's camera will be on unless you request that it be turned off);
Publicity Media - Internet Consent (will allow the district to celebrate your child's accomplishments by sharing his/her name, photo or work with the press and/or on our website/social media)*;
Code of Conduct Acknowledgement (you will be asked to acknowledge receipt and understanding of the Student Code of Conduct*;
Chromebook Handbook Acknowledgement (you will be asked to acknowledge receipt and understanding of the Chromebook Handbook).
A List of Policies of Particular Interest to Parents/Guardians is also provided.
* Links to these forms and related information is provided.
For Information on how to navigate the Genesis Parent Portal, please refer to the User Guide.
For Parent Portal Assistance, please complete a: Genesis Help Ticket