732-873-2400 ext. 319
Email Cesar Rainho
Fine, Visual, Performing, and Practical Arts
We, the members of this department, believe that the arts are a vital part of the fabric of the lives of those who participate in a just, democratic, and dynamic society. The arts build cognitive skills, communicate, heal, reflect our lives and unite us. The five art forms of art, dance, drama, media and music promote creativity, self-expression, collaborative problem-solving, multi-cultural awareness, interdisciplinary study and critical thinking in the 21st century learner. All of these tools are essential for survival today. Thus, all students are entitled to equitable, regular, and sequential instruction in the arts as developmentally appropriate.
To instill these necessary skills and habits in all learners, our curriculum must:
Provide literacy in all five art forms;
Be guided by rigorous academic standards;
Foster instruction that addresses the interests and the needs of diverse learners;
Develop skills in observation, listening, description, analysis, interpretation, creation, performance and critique.
We know that our curriculum has accomplished this when:
Our students develop an awareness of self and others;
Our students are able to successfully identify and apply knowledge of the elements of all five art forms;
Our students are able to create new art, perform with interpretation, and respond to art with understanding;
Our students demonstrate mastery via authentic, discipline-specific achievements, such as, adjudicated competitions, art shows, performances, and portfolio creation.

Cesar Rainho
FVPPA Supervisor