Buildings and Grounds
Attention FTPS Facilities Users - 2021-2022 School Year
Update: As of March 21 and for as long as Somerset County has a CALI Score of 1 or 2 and is considered in the low or green Community Level by the CDC, masking is no longer mandatory in all district buildings.
Please note: Organizations who will have children in attendance at their event must submit a plan which includes how they will ensure the children wear face coverings; how social distance will be maintained, and what type of personal protective equipment and cleaning/sanitizing materials they will have on hand during the event.
As of September 9, 2021, facility use by outside organizations is permitted for the 2021-2022 school year. Organizations must comply with current governmental orders and health and safety guidelines. Organizations may have to submit safety plans for review as well.
Executive Order 251 requires that face masks be worn in all district buildings by both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. There are certain exceptions found in the Order.
Organizations who will have children in attendance at their event must submit a plan which includes how they will ensure the children wear face coverings; how social distance will be maintained, and what type of personal protective equipment and cleaning/sanitizing materials they will have on hand during the event.
Please note that permission to use district facilities may become more limited or be withdrawn as the school year progresses due to changes in the regional risk level for COVID-19, an increase in reported COVID-19 cases, or other circumstances.
Important Information Contained in FSDirect Requester Guide for Existing Requesters and New Requesters
At the Board of Education Meeting on October 19, 2017, the Board revised the Use of School Facilities Policy and Regulation, these revised documents are posted on this page.
Welcome to our online building use system called Facility Scheduling Direct (FSDirect) through A FSDirect Requester Guide that shows instructions for logging on and applying for building use is attachment 1. You will be identified as the Requester.
Attachment 2 contains insurance requirements (Insurance Notification Guide).
Applicants must complete, sign and return the "Hold Harmless Agreement" before use of the BOE facility.
The building use application fee is $50.
After you have made your request, the request is then forwarded and reviewed by the individual building representative. You will receive an email from advising that your requested schedule has been routed. Once the schedule has been approved by the building representative, the schedule is routed to the Buildings & Grounds department for final approval, invoicing (if applicable) and activation. Once again, an email will be sent to you.
If you have specific questions relating to one of our school buildings, please contact them. If you are having difficulty with FSDirect, please contact Buildings & Grounds, 732-873-2371.
Franklin Township Public Schools have made available an emergency information number. In case of inclement weather and any other special announcements, residents may call 732-873-2400 Ext. 555. School closing and delayed openings will be listed on the announcement. This is an emergency telephone line only. Updated changes will also be on our website at:
Good luck!
Word Orders
Franklin Staff/Employees: FYI...all maintenance requests should be directed to the Head Custodian of your building who will supply you with a form to complete.
Prevention & Treatment of Sports Related Concussion and Head Injuries - Policy and Regulation
Please print this guide and follow the steps as you fill out the online application. It contains important information.
Please follow the link below to the "Hold Harmless Agreement":
For the "Insurance Notification Guide", please click below: