
Franklin Township Public School's K-12 Science Education program provides students with inquiry-based skills and an understanding of the scientific process, which will enable them to be successful in their exploration and investigation of our ever-changing technological world. Students will develop higher - level critical thinking and problem - solving skills that will allow them to explore their scientific environment in a multi-sensory hands-on and minds-on manner.
Students will be able to recognize the contributions, as well as the diverse, cultural and social backgrounds of scientists. Students will be exposed to and use scientific tools and apparatus, scientific nomenclature and SI (metric) measurement. Ultimately, the district students will learn and understand the underlying safety principles during their practice of Science. Other Curriculum Content Standards, particularly Language Arts and Literacy and Mathematics, and the Science Process skills will be embedded in the Program.
The use of technology will be infused throughout the curriculum. All of our curricula aligns to the Next Generation Science Standards and infuses 21st Century Skills.
HS Science Graduation Requirements:
Must successfully complete Biology, Physics, and a 3rd lab science. (15 credits of Science)

Science Websites
Gives news stories, article briefs, related links and has an ‘ask the experts’ page.
Use the info desk or search engine or FAQs here at the laboratory that never sleeps.
Hunt here to find out about computer, auto, electronic, and science stuff.
Check out this original approach to chemistry info
Search education reference, directories, community or fun.
Physics News Update: The AIP Bulletin of Physics News
Digest of news items from meetings, journals, newspapers and magazines from 1990 to present.