Resources for Our

Franklin Warrior Families

We know that that many of our immigrant students and their families might be experiencing confusion or fear during these times.

We supply these resources to help our families with questions about their rights and to provide access to social/emotional and trauma related supports.

Creating a Step-By-Step Family Preparedness Plan - this page, from the Immigrant Legal Resources Center, in English and Spanish includes information on Childcare Plans should you become unable to care for your child. Franklin Township Public Schools encourages all families to log into the parent portal for Genesis and make sure their current emergency contact information is correct. Please note your child can only be released to individuals listed in the Genesis Parent Portal who are authorized to pick them up.

Immigrants' Rights Toolkit for NJ - booklet with information compiled from various organizations about public resources available to immigrants in New Jersey.

Responding to Immigration Enforcement - This page has information from the National Education Association and the Immigrant Legal Resources Center on how to respond to immigration enforcement officials.

Questions About Discrimination - The New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (LAD) prohibits discrimination and bias-based harassment in employment, housing, and places of public accommodation—that is, places open to the public, which include schools—based on national origin, ancestry, nationality, race, and other protected characteristics. The New Jersey Division on Civil Rights (DCR) enforces the LAD. DCR’s services are free to all people regardless of their citizenship or immigration status, and DCR employees do not ask about citizenship or immigration status. For more information on the LAD, visit

*Immigration Services - These organizations offer services for immigrants.

*Emotional Support

These resources are shared for informational purposes. The Board of Education does not endorse nor recommend any particular group or the services they provide.