Human Resources & Personnel Services

Welcome To The Department Of Human Resources & Personnel Services
2301 Route 27, Somerset, NJ 08873
Phone: (732) 873-2400 Ext. 329
Fax: (732) 873-5712
Follow us on Twitter @HR_FTPSchools
Follow us on LinkedIn @ Franklin Township Public Schools
Salary and/or Employment Verifications and NJ Sexual Misconduct/Child Abuse Disclosure Releases (PTT Forms) Can Be Sent via:
Email: (Preferred)
Fax: 732-873-5712
We Cannot Respond to Electronic Links. Please Forward Your Request in PDF or Doc Format.
Manager of Human Resources and Personnel Services
Coleen Devlin - ext. 259
Assistant Manager, Human Resources
Jenipher Rodriguez - ext. 326
Personnel Services Specialist
Sabrina Faggins - ext. 327
Human Resources Administrative Services and Employee Benefit Specialist
Maggie Balon - ext. 291
Human Resource Specialist
Olivia Picard - ext. 329

Hear from Superintendent Ravally, administrators and teachers about our diverse district and the opportunities we would like to share with you.