Dr. John A. Ravally
Superintendent of Schools
Superintendent and District Organization
The Superintendent serves as Chief Executive and Administrative Officer of the district. As highlighted in the Organizational Chart, he is the only employee who reports directly to the Board of Education. All other employees of the district ultimately report to him. He is charged with implementing policies established by the Board of Education and by discharging the duties imposed on his/her office by law.
These duties include:
Directing the formation of district goals, plans, policies and budgets; recommending their approval by the Board of Education and directing their implementation;
Recommending all staff appointments and other personnel actions for approval by the Board of Education;
Directing district operations and programs;
Supervising and evaluating building administrators and central office staff and;
Overseeing the administration and supervision of school-level operations, staff and programs.
Dr. John A. Ravally has served as the Superintendent of Franklin Township Public Schools since July of 2015. During his tenure, the district has successfully completed the projects of the One Less Move Referendum including the realignment of grade levels to create one middle school on two campuses for grades 6-8; the creation of a seventh elementary school at Claremont Elementary School and numerous additions and other facility upgrades at various schools. The past few years have seen the growth of the integrated preschool program, including the inclusion of three-year-old students. The district's specialized programs have flourished, including the expansion of the Career Technical Program, while established programs such as the district's Bilingual/ESL programs continue to be recognized for their excellence. The district as a whole was given a high performing designation following the last New Jersey Quality Single Accountability Continuum (NYQSAC) performance review. Dr. Ravally has supported relationships between the school district and the larger Franklin community, working with Township leadership on various forums in response to changing circumstances and cultivating relationships with local organizations to support district students. Supporting students and giving them a voice for change has been an important part of the district's equity plan which has been implemented by Dr. Ravally with the support of the Board of Education.
The Superintendent is aided in his work by his administrative team or cabinet. These central office administrators include Assistant Superintendent for Business, Email Brian Bonanno; School Business Administrator, Email Stephen Fried, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, Email Dr. Daniel Loughran; Director of School Management, Email Orvyl Wilson; Director of Pupil Personnel Services, Dr. Brenda Sofield; and Senior Manager of Policies, Regulations and Communications, Mary L. Clark. The principals of the district's high school, two middle school campuses and seven elementary schools also report to the Superintendent. Dr. Ravally is further supported by his assistant, Kristen Scott.

Kristen Scott
Assistant to the Superintendent of Schools
Superintendent's Reports
Senior Leadership
Business - Assistant Superintendent for Business, Board Secretary
Business - School Business Administrator, Assistant Board Secretary
Curriculum and Instruction
School Management and Student Advocacy
Pupil Personnel Services
Human Resources and Personnel Services
Communications, Public Engagement and Policy
Organization Chart
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