Professional Development

Professional Development Resource Page 

District Professional Development Vision Statement:  The Franklin Township Public Schools will offer a professional development program characterized by choice, cohesion, and differentiation that maintains equity and promotes growth and wellness for all.

Monday Meeting Schedule    

Monthly Staff Meeting / Grapple PLC Schedule 


Tier 2 / Tier 3*

6 - 8
Tier 1

9 - 12
Tier 1

1st Monday

Principal Meeting

 Dept. Meeting

Principal Meeting 

2nd Monday

 Data Action
and Specialist Teams

 Dept. Data Action/PLA OR Principal Culture/Climate

 Principal Culture/Climate OR Dept. Data Action/PLA

3rd Monday

Principal Culture/Climate 

 Principal Meeting

 Dept. Meeting

PD Certificate

It is important to remember that the most important documentation for evidence of PD-hour credit is the sign-in sheet.  In addition to signing in, please fill out and download this PD Certificate for any in-district PD you complete.  Afterwards, please save it in your digital files so that it can easily be uploaded to your MyLearningPlan artifacts.