NJ Department of Education Information

State of New Jersey Department of Education; The Great seal of the State of New Jersey

From time to time, the district must provide information to the New Jersey Department of Education (NJ DOE). 

This information is then made public by the district or New Jersey Department of Education, at times in the format in which it was submitted, at other times as part of a larger report where the Franklin Township Public School district data is compared to other districts. 

Examples of this information required by the NJ DOE are school and district performance reports (formerly known as report cards); harassment, intimidation and bullying grades; and lead testing information. 

This section has pages dedicated to the most recent information in this area as well as resources for parents from the NJ DOE.  

NJQSAD - NJ Quality Single Accountability Continuum

The New Jersey Quality Single Accountability Continuum NJ QSAC performance review is an obligation that all school districts are required to complete every three years.

During a QSAC review, school districts analyze their practice as it relates to five focus areas; Fiscal Management, Personnel, Operations, Instruction and Program, and Governance. This information is recorded in a District Performance Review which is then reviewed by a team of representatives from the Somerset County Office of the Department of Education. 

In August of 2023, the district received its final NJQSAC scores for this evaluation cycle. The district did extremely well and passed in all areas.

The final scores were as follows - Instruction & Program 82%; Finance 92%; Governance 100%; Operations 100%; and Personnel 95%.

Based on those earned scores the district's designation and placement on the NJDOE continuum is once again High Performing.

The Board of Education acknowledged the placement on the continuum at their August 24, 2023 meeting. 

Board President Lacorte said, "On behalf of the Board I would like to thank Dr. Ravally and our district staff for their hard work in achieving this designation."