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Cathryn Kawakami
Assistant Payroll Supervisor
Business Office
732-873-2400 x314

Karen Kaye
ESL and Bilingual Education, English Language Arts & World Languages
732-873-2400 x405

Kevin Kelley
Coordinating Attendance Officer/Handle with Care
732-873-2400 x401

Dr. Daniel Loughran
Assistant Superintendent
Curriculum & Instruction
732-873-2400 x301

Gaye McGee
Supervisor, Elementary Mathematics (K-5); Co-Coordinator, Enrichment
Mathematics (K-5); Academic Intervention Support; Enrichment
732-873-2400 x316

Mark McNamara
Maintenance, Grounds and Custodial Services

Vanessa Miranda
District Communications and Public Engagement
732-873-2400 x515

Jesus Ortiz
Assistant Supervisor
Maintenance, Grounds and Custodial Services

Giselle Perez
Supervisor, Elementary Language Arts Literacy
English Language Arts & Academic Intervention Support (K-5)
732-873-2400 x274

Olivia Picard
Human Resource Specialist
Human Resources & Personnel Services
732-873-2400 x329